Why Contraception?
Since the question's been raised, and because contraception takes up significantly more of my time and energy than most peoples', we'll talk. Because it should be said- I am fully aware that my ability to study, travel, write and advocate is contingent upon fact that I, as an educated western woman have complete and total control of my fertility and how my sexuality is expressed. I'm willing to acknowledge my bias and admit that if I lived in another place or time I might be a different person and feel differently, but I'm incredibly grateful to be a woman in the United States in the twenty-first century. With that disclaimer- Why do I believe contraception is so incredibly important? 1) 68,000 women per year die from complications of unsafe abortions. 2) 536,000 women per year -approximately 1 per minute-die of pregnancy complications and childbirth (90% of these are in Africa and Asia). 3) Globally, 50% of pregnancies are unplanned and 25% are unwanted. (All st...