It happened again. Someone (this time a priest) looked at me and said "Tell me about your journey to Anglicanism." Seeing as my father's a Southern Baptist minister and I'm Anglo-Catholic, there should be a good story here.But I just rambled along for a couple minutes talking about books and people until finally just saying "It was kind of an organic process." I had to look up organic when I got home to see if it was the right word (though, being a carbon-based life form, everything I do is organic). I was right . So how did this relatively complex, natural growth process come about? My parents were evangelical missionaries in Peru. The Roman Catholic church in South America in the 90s was a mess (I'm sure in general it still is, but haven't personally experienced this). It's entangled with government and the wealthy highest crust of society. In order to make the transition smoother, the Roman Catholic saints were superimposed over ancient Inca ...